Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update after this morning's new aftershock

Sadly, there was yet another aftershock this morning. Here is an update from Judy Hoffman:

There was another quake this morning. Everyone is fine. We have sent money in hopes that the Western Union office will be open. We have about 3-5 days worth of food left and there is no real aid in Jacmel yet. I spoke to two of the children this morning and their spirits are good. Let us hope it continues.

All of the reading I have done on the situation explains that although there is literally over a billion dollars in aid and thousands of people trying to help, many barriers remain to actually getting the relief to the people of Haiti. The port is starting to be cleared and the American military has raised the limit of 80 flights coming in to over 120. A few days ago, it seemed there was enough stored food at the school to last almost a month--now it is clear t brainstorming new ways to help. The American Visionary Arts Museum is donating 100% of proceeds from the sale of Haitian Sequined Flags to the effort.

My highest hope is that all paths are cleared for all the aid to flow in.

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