Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baltimore Art Community Rallies to Help Haiti

I am happy to report that WJZ news channel 13 did a wonderful piece on how the local Baltimore arts community is pulling together to help in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti. The Visionary Art Museum's gift shop (The Sideshow) are featuring Haitian sequined flags ("drapo") for sale in support of disaster relief in Haiti. The proceeds from the flags go right back to the artists that made them. You can see the stunning flags, and even purchase one here:

(By the way, this is the same shop where the hearts are sold!)

The Creole "Drapo" comes from the French "Drapeau" or "Flag." They are, with the Haitian drum, the closest thing to an indigenous art form in Haiti. Like the drum, the Drapo originated in West Africa and was brought over by those who were enslaved and incorporated into Haiti’s own changing traditions.

Patapsco Middle School and the Hope Hearts for Haiti were mentioned a number of times too! I had to take a delivery of 75 hearts down to the museum tonight because they were already down to the last 4 or 5. Judy Hoffman mailed LOTS of GORGEOUS artwork by the children at Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel to the museum for sale--of course ALL proceeds go 100% right back to the kids. If you would like to read the article or see the video, here are the links:

Video link:


Article link:


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