Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baltimore Art Community Rallies to Help Haiti

I am happy to report that WJZ news channel 13 did a wonderful piece on how the local Baltimore arts community is pulling together to help in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti. The Visionary Art Museum's gift shop (The Sideshow) are featuring Haitian sequined flags ("drapo") for sale in support of disaster relief in Haiti. The proceeds from the flags go right back to the artists that made them. You can see the stunning flags, and even purchase one here:

(By the way, this is the same shop where the hearts are sold!)

The Creole "Drapo" comes from the French "Drapeau" or "Flag." They are, with the Haitian drum, the closest thing to an indigenous art form in Haiti. Like the drum, the Drapo originated in West Africa and was brought over by those who were enslaved and incorporated into Haiti’s own changing traditions.

Patapsco Middle School and the Hope Hearts for Haiti were mentioned a number of times too! I had to take a delivery of 75 hearts down to the museum tonight because they were already down to the last 4 or 5. Judy Hoffman mailed LOTS of GORGEOUS artwork by the children at Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel to the museum for sale--of course ALL proceeds go 100% right back to the kids. If you would like to read the article or see the video, here are the links:

Video link:


Article link:


Monday, January 25, 2010

Hearts for Haiti in the News!

Hello Friends!

I just received a wonderful phone call from Ted Frankel, proprietor of the Sideshow (the American Visionary Arts Museum Gift Shop where the ceramic hearts are sold). Today, Channel 13 news interviewed him about the beautiful sequined Haitian flags he sells at his shop. Ted travels to Haiti about 3 times per year to buy directly from artists and make sure they are getting fair prices. He is also on the board of directors for Art Creation Foundation for Children and has done art workshops with the children in Jacmel. Currently, all proceeds from the sale of the flags is going directly to earthquake relief for the artists. While he had the news crew there, Ted showed them the ceramic hearts made by Patapsco Students to help students at Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel. Who knows how the segment will be edited, but there is a good chance there will be mention of the hearts and Patapsco Middle School on channel 13, today (Monday, January 25, 2010) at 4pm and at 5pm and tomorrow 1-26 at 6am. Tune in!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update after this morning's new aftershock

Sadly, there was yet another aftershock this morning. Here is an update from Judy Hoffman:

There was another quake this morning. Everyone is fine. We have sent money in hopes that the Western Union office will be open. We have about 3-5 days worth of food left and there is no real aid in Jacmel yet. I spoke to two of the children this morning and their spirits are good. Let us hope it continues.

All of the reading I have done on the situation explains that although there is literally over a billion dollars in aid and thousands of people trying to help, many barriers remain to actually getting the relief to the people of Haiti. The port is starting to be cleared and the American military has raised the limit of 80 flights coming in to over 120. A few days ago, it seemed there was enough stored food at the school to last almost a month--now it is clear t brainstorming new ways to help. The American Visionary Arts Museum is donating 100% of proceeds from the sale of Haitian Sequined Flags to the effort.

My highest hope is that all paths are cleared for all the aid to flow in.

Friday, January 15, 2010

More Updates from Jacmel--a little hope

The following email is from Judy Hoffman, founder of ACFFC. I received it at 10:45 this morning (1/15/10). It is a miracle that the school is still standing, and that the students and staff are alive. As of now, no aid at ALL is coming into Jacmel. Donations are sorely needed. All incoming donations to the school will be used for the relief of the entire community. Because the school still stands, it will serve as an aid station to the community. You can read about it in more detail below, or just scroll to the blue links to donate online. Please pass this on to anyone and everyone.

Good news. Last evening we were able to confirm that our children made it through, as did our staff/families. Most have no homes, and all are sleeping in the street. Many of the children can not find their families/relatives and those who can report that their homes have been destroyed as has much of Jacmel (buildings down everywhere, deaths and injuries have not yet been assessed, two schools collapsed I am told w children inside, etc.-horrible) There is no aid whatsoever that has made it in to Jacmel. Miracle is that our building is standing just is a miracle that all made it through and today they will go there (aftershocks over) and there is food and water. They are going to cook and take food to those in need just as I saw in my dreams. ACFFC is going to become a central aid point in Jacmel so we need all the help we can get. It is impossible to send supplies right now so please, we need to raise all the funds we can ... people are resourceful and I am told a market is open in Port Au Prince and that there are still things to be purchased in Jacmel. Each moment as it comes. And I am grateful.

I spoke with Georges middle of the night and all are in shock, but at least they are together. I also spoke with some of the girls. They are frightened and I did all I could, as did Gerline Lafontant Fenelon (who patched me through on the call) to assuage their immediate fears. We have promised them that as soon as we can, we will get there. In the meanwhile, Gerline's good friend Papoush who is in PAP is going to Jacmel this morning by moto or bike or foot to further assess the situation and see how we can best get done what needs to be done. Please write/call the world and let them know that Jacmel is getting no help so far at all and there is desperate need.

We need to raise funds, knowing that ACFFC will be a central aid location in Jacmel. Our children are prepared to help as are staff. We are all one family. Please focus on raising funds. We can not yet bring in supplies. You may donate via www.artforhaitianchildren.org or by check (information provided on the site) or via our facebook page http://apps.facebook.com/causes/138201/22688483?m=71bb3202 - please call or send an email if you need information and I will respond as quickly as I am able.

Will update as have more news.
There is much work to be done.

We are all grateful.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

How You Can Help--After the Earthquake

Hello Friends,

We still don't have a whole lot of information on how the school is doing after the terrible earthquake and the multiple aftershocks. Jacmel is the cultural arts center of Haiti, and Art Creation Foundation for Children supports 60 children who would otherwise be without an education, basic meals and medical care. We do know that Jacmel was hit by the very strong aftershocks of the quake as it is just a little south of Port-Au-Prince. If you are interested in making a difference in a devastated community that has a tie to Baltimore, consider donating below. Please visit the AVAM gift shop (no admission price to get into the shop!) and consider purchasing the ceramic hearts made by my art students.
1 Heart=$1=1 day's wage in Haiti.

Here is a message from Judy Hoffman, Founder of ACFFC:
Everyone is attempting to assess the situation. We have yet to know whether or not everyone is ok, if the building is standing, etc.
We are working hard to raise funds for ACFFC and for aid in Jacmel, their community.
As they did after the hurricanes, our children and staff will buy and distribute food do what ever the can for the community on an immediate basis, as we attempt to find new equilibrium.
So, please donate to ACFFC and know that funds will be held for relief work only.
And let's hope that very soon, we will have good news!
Thank you.