Today I was busy underglazing more hearts, which I always enjoy doing. I thought I could wait till the school year started to get my students on board to make more, but they are selling so well, I have to fill the gap for the next few weeks, which is my absolute pleasure to do. The photos here are just hearts in progress on my dining room table. They still need the 'clear transparent' glaze, which , as my students know, makes it look like
you're painting over all your hard work with pink pepto bismol. Magically at 1500 degrees F, it all turns clear, and the colors get really rich and shiny. For now, they look a little chalky, but I am enjoying inventing designs!
Each time I paint a heart I think, "This is one dollar. This is one day's wage. This is one more chance for one more child to have a better life." And for however that "sounds", it is absolutely true. 100% of the funds generated from this project go directly to the students in Haiti, with nothing taken away. Sixty dollars? That's emergency health care for ALL of the students at the Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel, Haiti for a full month. How can we not help? Love all, serve all, and this world will be a better place :-) (photos: underglazed hearts c) nancy lee mitchell 2009)
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