Good Morning Everyone. In my little corner of the world this morning, I am very aware of the gratitude I feel for my safe neighborhood, my employment, the new shoots in the the veggie garden and the beautiful sunny sky and cool breeze outside. My Gratitude was only deepened when I looked at some poignant photos this morning that were taken by Judy Hoffman on her phone when she was visiting Jacmel, Haiti recently to spend time with her beloved students (family!!) at Art Creation Foundation For Children. These pictures speak louder that anything I could think to write today.....Please scroll back up and take the time to really look at at them.
Did you look??
Want to help???
Visit www.artforhaitianchildren.org and click the yellow Just Give box on the left hand side. It is an absolutely secure donation. $10 = more than one week's pay for someone working full time in Haiti (and you can bet their "full time" is more than 40 hours a week...)
If you are in the Baltimore area, pay a visit to the American Visionary Arts Museum (www.avam.org) where you can purchase the ceramic Hearts for Haiti made by the Patapsco Middle School art students for only $1.00 each! Visit www.sideshowbaltimore.com to buy an original Haitian Drapo (sequined flag) and 100% of the proceeds will go back to rebuilding the arts communities in Haiti!
Wishing you gratitude for the many good things in your life today!